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Sparking Everyday Discipleship

A Podcast about Discipleship in the 21st Century providing tools for Everyday Discipleship Every Day especially for discipling the children in our lives. 

Sep 29, 2020

In this episode we discuss forgiveness and some great books to help our children learn how to forgive and renew their friendships. 

Remember our giveaway! Ends September 30.

Books Recommended in This Episode:

Welcome to Books that Spark, a podcast for parents and caregivers, celebrating books, that...

Sep 22, 2020

In this episode we take a fun look at ABC books, phonemes, and discuss ministering through language exchange. 

We're also doing a giveaway! Three winners will receive my favorite ABC book! Comment on my blog to be entered to win. Each comment or question posted will give you another entry. Deadline for entries is...

Sep 15, 2020

In this episode I interview author Jennifer Grant, and we talk about her three children's books and her five books for adults. We also talk about sparking spiritual curiosity through the books we read with our children. 

Thursday her newest book A Little Blue Bottle launches. Be sure to check it out!

Books recommended...

Sep 8, 2020

In this episode we look at books for Grandparents and picture books and board books about Grandparents. This Sunday is Grandparents Day, so we're celebrating!

Books recommended in this episode:

Some Other Books in the Grandparenting Matters Series:

Sep 1, 2020

In this BONUS episode we explore study Bibles for older children and adults with Pastor Dave Brown. 

Books Discussed in This Episode:


Terrie: Welcome to Books to Spark, a podcast for parents and caregivers, celebrating books that spark imagination, emotion,...