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Sparking Everyday Discipleship

A Podcast about Discipleship in the 21st Century providing tools for Everyday Discipleship Every Day especially for discipling the children in our lives. 

May 30, 2023

In this episode of "Books that Spark," Kristin joins us again, and we share tips for summer reading, our favorite summer reading programs, and summer reading picks. 

May 23, 2023

This week we talk with author Natalee Creech about her books "When Day Is Done," "Something," "Nothing," and the possibility of "Everything" -- and the importance of subtitles.  

May 16, 2023

This week we visit with Kristin Wynalda who has an amazing website/blog sharing all kinds of tips about books for our kids and families called "Big Books, Little Ears." She shares great information with us about navigating the public library and finding out about books for our kids.

May 9, 2023

This week we want to bless moms with some book suggestions. We also want to hear your suggestions for fun, funny books for moms to read. What would you suggest? 

May 2, 2023

In this episode we visit with author Mindy Baker. She offers many resources for families, has a mini magazine available, and enjoys doing school visits to talk about her beautiful picture book. For show notes and links, go to