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booksthatspark's podcast

Discussing books that spark imagination, emotion questions, and conversations with our kids. Using books to create teachable moments for life lessons and discipleship.

Jul 26, 2022

In this episode we explore the world of wordless picture books. It is a fun genre that allows our children to practice telling stories and helps them explore visual details in the illustrations.


Jul 19, 2022

In this episode we continue our conversation with Elizabeth Urbanowicz, founder and CEO of Foundation Worldview and helping our children learn to think critically while building a Christian world view. 

Jul 12, 2022

In this episode we talk with Elizabeth Urbanowicz, founder and CEO of Foundation Worldview. She's an educator and apologist who has written curriculum to help children grow in their critical thinking skills and in creating a Biblical...

Jul 5, 2022


This starts our 3rd year of "Books that Spark!" In this episode we chat again with author Kathleen Long Bostrom about the prestigious Newbery Medal awarded each year to a children's author. Check out the show notes for extra info and links...